| 1. | One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation 原因之一是年轻一代的上进心增强了。 |
| 2. | I believe this company can fulfill my long - term goals and offer me great upward mobility 我相信公司能实现我长期目标,给我巨大的动力。 |
| 3. | But black upward mobility consists largely of people from poor families moving up 但是黑人在社会阶层上的向上流动大多都限于摆脱贫困的状态。 |
| 4. | It was no surprise to the other workers that the boss ' s nephew enjoined such a great degree of upward mobility 老板的侄子往上晋升如此之快,其他工人并不感意外。 |
| 5. | Self - development and upward mobility of employees are fully taken into consideration based on personal quality and performance 员工的自我发展和晋级也依据个人素质得到充分考虑。 |
| 6. | Education offers one the opportunity to develop one s full potential , and the chance of upward mobility 而言,教育是发展个人才能启发独立思想的途径,成为有识之士,才有更上一层楼的机会。 |
| 7. | Some have even achieved great financial success or attained eminent positions . 61 . this reflects the high degree of upward mobility in 相反,他们力争上游,努力改善自己的生活,有些甚至已名成利就或位居要津。 |
| 8. | " education causes upward mobility , while economic development creates many new positions for the upwardly mobile , " wu observes 根据吴乃德教授的观察:教育使人提升,经济发展则创造许多新兴部门和职位,两者必须并行不悖。 |
| 9. | 34 . we will rally the efforts of all sectors to create favourable conditions for personal development , thereby creating more opportunities for upward mobility 34 .我们会凝聚各界力量,尽量开拓市民的个人发展空间,增加向上流动的机会。 |
| 10. | There has always been strong upward mobility in jobs , as long as you are willing to work hard . you can afford to take good care of your parents 只要努力,这批人大多都得到晋升机会,有能力好好照顾父母,让子女得到理想的生活环境以及良好的教育。 |